Yumin tongbao...
Yumin tongbao...
Yumin tongbao...
Yumin tongbao...
Liyong tongbao, 2-cash...
Gallo-Belgic E Obverse: horse, facing r. with pellet below...
Gallo-Belgic E 'Morini' Stylised horse, facing right, with pellet in circle behind...
Tree-like object above crooked line, with crescent and y-shape below...
Tree-like object betweem two horizontal panels, above a crooked line. Below, a crescent [only only visible on this example] and Y-shape with tail...
It is thought that one side states that the object is real money. It is thought the reverse states that anyone found forging this will face death by ...
Legionary denarii of Mark Anthony. Obverse: Ship, right, with sceptre tied with fillet on prow. Border of dots. Legend reads: ANT•AVG III•VIR•R•P•C...