Stylised head...
Stylised head...
Legionary denarii of Mark Anthony. Obverse: Ship, right, with sceptre tied with fillet on prow. Border of dots. Legend reads: ANT•AVG III•VIR•R•P•C...
Legionary denarii of Mark Anthony. Obverse: Ship, right, with sceptre tied with fillet on prow. Border of dots. Legend reads: ANT•AVG III•VIR•R•P•C...
Tetradrachm of Azileses, joint ruler of Scythian Pakistan. Obverse: King on horseback right, holding spear. Legend (in Greek): BAΣIΛEΩΣ BAΣIΛEΩN MEΓA...
Legionary denarii of Mark Anthony. Obverse: Ship, right, with sceptre tied with fillet on prow. Border of dots. Legend reads: ANT·AVG III·VIR·R·P·C ...
Legionary denarii of Mark Anthony. Obverse: Ship, right, with scepter tied with fillet on prow. Border of dots. Legend reads, ANT·AVG III·VIR·R·P·C...
Legionary denarii of Mark Anthony. Obverse: Ship, right, with sceptre tied with fillet on prow. Border of dots. Legend reads: ANT·AVG III·VIR·R·P·C...
Legionary denarius of Mark Anthony Obverse: Ship, right, with sceptre tied with fillet on prow. Border of dots. Legend reads: ANT·AVG III·VIR·R·P·C...
Legionary denarii of Mark Anthony. Obverse: Ship, right, with sceptre tied with fillet on prow. Border of dots. Legend reads: ANT•AVG III•VIR•R•P•C...
Palestine. Fifty mils coin. Olive branch....