

Kerb Crawlers Rehabilitation Programme Correspondence with MPs and list of members of the House of Commons (15 May 1997) Handwritten meeting notes 1998 Correspondence and notes relating to launch and pilot of KCRP Correspondence relating to evaluation and funding of KCRP Correspondence from various organisations re attendance at meetings and involvement in project Correspondence relating to draft letter to be sent to offenders West Yorkshire Police correspondence and minutes 1998-99


Identifier cffpwsrk
IRN 480461
Class Mark FAN/JH/PR/KCRP/02
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Kerb Crawlers Rehabilitation Programme collection
Date 1997 - 1999
Size and Medium 1 box

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