

1. For Organisations working with women in prostitution Huge traffic in prostitutes to West by Philip Johnston 2. Hubbard, Phil (1998) Community Action and the Displacemen5t of Street Prostitution: Evidence from British cities, Geoforum (request slip) 3. Yanshang, Zhang (1997) Series of Psychological Profiles of Prostitute Clients in Chinese Sociology & Anthropology, 30(1) Fall, pp 77-89. 4.Hubbard, Phil (1998) Sexuality, Immorality and the City: red-light districts and the marginalisation of female street prostitutes, Gender, Place and Culture, 5(1)., pp 55-72. ,


Identifier b8xd98r8
IRN 632269
Class Mark FAN/JH/PR
Level Sub-collection
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Jalna Hanmer Collection

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