Key Texts Box 01
Key texts from the Women's Liberation Movement. (pamphlets and papers; selected by FAN trustees in 2022) 1968 Notes from the first year June 1968 New York 1968 Draft Manifesto for Socialist Women’s Committees, Nottingham Socialist Women’s Committee 1968 Towards a Female Liberation Movement Jones and Brown Boston Mass USA 1968 SCUM Manifesto Valerie Solanis, New York. Reprinted by Matriarchy Study Group in 1983 1969 Women’s Liberation and the New Politics Sheila Rowbotham, pamphlet 4 May Day Manifesto, London 1969 The Grand Coolie Damn, Marge Piercy USA Reprinted New England Free Press 1973 1970 Notes from the second year New York 1970 The Tyranny of Structurelessness by Joreen (Jo Freeman) USA 1970 The myth of the vaginal orgasm, Anne Koedt New England Free Press USA 1970 Psychology Constructs the Female Naomi Weisstein, USA 1970 We’re not beautiful. We’re not ugly. We’re Angry. Miss World Protest pamphlet written by the protesters. London. Donated by Lynne Harne 1971 Liberation of Women, Sexual Repression and the Family, Laurel Limpus, Canada reprinted in London UK 1971 Feminine Sexuality and Abortion Rivolta Feminile Italy 1972 The Myth of Motherhood, Lee Comer, Spokesman Pamphlet No 21 London 1972 Statement of Aims – No women’s liberation without socialist revolution. Women in the North East 1972 Sexual Relations and the Class Struggle Alexandra Kollontai (1919) translation 1972 Falling Wall Press Bristol 1972 The Power of Women and the Subversion of the Community, Mariarosa Dalla Costa and Selma James Falling Wall Press Bristol 1973 Witches Midwives and Nurses, Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, Feminist Press USA 1973 Lesbianism and Feminism Synonyms or Contradictions? Robin Morgan USA 1974 Tyranny of Tyranny, Cathy Levine, Rising Free London 1974 Working Women’s Charter (proposed at a meeting of the London Trades Council) 1975 Feminist Revolution, Redstockings USA 1975 The Demand for Independence (The women’s liberation campaign for legal and financial independence 5th Demand) UK 1976 You Don’t Need a Degree to Read the Writing on the Wall evelyn farrar First published in Shrew. Working Class critique of the WLM 1976 Women’s Liberation An Introduction, WRRC WIRES AWP. UK 1977 Non Sexist Code of Practice for Book Publishing Women in the Publishing Industry Group UK 1977 Song Book, 1977 Women’s Liberation Conference London 1977 The Need for Revolutionary Feminism Sheila Jeffreys WLC London 1977 Some Fundamental Problems with the Working Women’s Charter Campaign London 1978 Brighton and Hove Women’s Liberation Newsletter 1979 Political Lesbianism Paper, Rev/Rad Conference Leeds 1979 1979 Politics of Matriarchy, Matriarchy Study Group UK 1980 Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence, Adrienne Rich USA reprinted by Onlywomen Press London 1981 1981 Love your enemy? The debate between heterosexual feminism and political lesbianism Onlywomen Press London. 1993 Rape and Sexual Assault: a Study of Attrition, Sue Lees and Jeanne Gregory Islington Council 1996 Taking Ourselves Seriously – (importance of documenting our history) Jalna Hanmer UK in Radically Speaking Spinifex Press 2004 Feminist historians and the use of Women-Only documents paper for Melbourne University Lilith Symposium, by Jeska Rees
Identifier | b16bw476 |
IRN | 737937 |
Class Mark | FAN/KT/01 |
Level | Series |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Feminist Archive North |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Key Texts |
Date | 1968 -2004 |
Size and Medium | 1 box |