East Leeds Women's Workshop


The collection spans the full life of the society and contains extremely varied material. The collection includes a wide range of administrative material including society rules, a minute book, applications for child-care permits, financial costs, annual reports etc. all of which offer information on the day to day running of the workshop. In addition the collection also contains material of a more personal nature such as photographs of the women who ran and were enrolled on the courses, press cuttings conveying the stuggles and successes of the ELWW and a large banner which was on display in the workshop.


Identifier yd4cnwnc
IRN 477004
Class Mark FAN/ELWW
Level Collection
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/yd4cnwnc
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Creator(s) East Leeds Women's Workshop
Date 08/07/1981 - 03/03/1999
Size and Medium Two boxes
System of Arrangement The collection did not appear to have been placed in any specific order so one was imposed by the archivist.

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