Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture, (Survey of English Dialects, and the Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies)


The Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture comprises the combined multiple media holdings of the archives of the Survey of English Dialects (ca. 1946-1978) directed by Harold Orton, and the University of Leeds' Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies (1964-1983) directed by Stewart Sanderson. These contain printed, manuscript and photographic paper items, sound recordings held on gramophone disc, open reel and cassette audio tape formats, glass plate and plastic transparencies, video tapes, 16mm and 35mm films. The subject areas covered include custom and belief, traditional narrative, children's traditions, traditional music (vocal and instrumental), traditional drama and dance, material culture, crafts and work techniques, language and dialect.


Identifier whr9w5wc
IRN 409248
Class Mark MS 1600
Level Collection
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/whr9w5wc
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Creator(s) University of Leeds
Date 1836-2003
Size and Medium 379 boxes ms. and printed items;, 888 open reel and audiocassette tapes;, 841 gramophone discs;, 5 reels cinefilm;, 8 reels videotape;, 2168 black and white/colour photographic prints;, 620 glass and film negatives;, 930 glass and plastic slides;, 713 book and periodical titles., 118 linear metres.
System of Arrangement The Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture comprises the following seventeen subfonds (subcollections). This arrangement is derived principally from the identification of the provenance, form and function of these individual collections, but does retain within each any original arrangement, where it has been possible to identify such an order. In some cases it has been necessary to impose an arrangement (again based on form and function), where no pre-existing system has been apparent. - Orton Corpus - Survey of English Dialects - A Word Geography of England - The Linguistic Atlas of England - Maps - Institute Staff Papers - Student Research Papers - Non-Student Research Papers - Non-Institute Surveys - Folk Life File - Archivists' Papers - Sound Recordings - Photographic Collections - Film - Video - Artefacts - Printed Collection

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