Cookery scrapbooks


The collection comprises a series of cookery scrapbooks and a guest book compiled by Ann Sargent while cooking for her family and friends over several decades. The scrapbooks are full of cuttings containing recipes and cookery advice from magazines and newspapers. Some cuttings are from articles on cookery and recipes, others are from advertisements. Ann also snipped recipes out from the cardboard packaging of food. These recipes give the manufacturers’ recommendations of how to use products such as flour, margarine and cheese. Ann had wide-ranging culinary interests as the cuttings cover topics such as preparing game and fish and also vegetarian dishes. She also cooked French, Spanish and Ghanian food. The scrapbooks themselves are also of interest. They were purchased from W. H. Smith and the cover designs illustrate cultural developments. The guest book is dated from 1984-2013. In it Ann has recorded the names of her guests and menu plans for particular dates. The scrapbooks are not strictly chronological.


Identifier vpf6x1hd
IRN 633829
Class Mark MS 2205
Level Collection
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive
Creator(s) Sargent, Ann
Date 1960-2013
Size and Medium 7 boxes, magazine cuttings, newspaper cuttings, scrapbooks, manuscript notebook

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