Leeds Animation Workshop
Research material for "Home Truths" film on Domestic Violence from Box 1 General, 2 vidios: Through the Glass Ceiling and Out to Lunch, children and domestic violence including disk "Childen's Stories about Domestic Violence" and other publications, LAW publicity material, Women in Film and TV Directory of Members & meeting, other organisational links, workbook "Choosing to Foster" Box 2 Leeds Interagency Project (LIAP), LIAP training packs, including tape "Leeds Women Speak", CD European Profeminist Men's Network, Women's Aid, "Home Truths" Story book on DV for 8-12 years, press cuttings, European, Black women and other pamphlets on DV, Box 3 Research materials for films "Beyond Belief and Belive me" on domestic violence and child sexual abuse, training and other pamphlets for adults, Publicity on LAW films
Identifier | txcmphh5 |
IRN | 477087 |
Class Mark | FAN/LAW |
Level | Collection |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/txcmphh5 |
Collection(s) | Feminist Archive North |
Category | Archive |
Size and Medium | 3 boxes |
System of Arrangement | made by donor Terry Wragg |