Diane Leonard Collection


1 (Folder): Trouble and Strife interviews, British Sociological Association Women's Caucus Newsletters. 2 (Folder): papers and correspondence relating to Anglo-French seminars 1974-76 3. (Box) Delphy and Barker/Leonard correspondence. This box is restricted. Also donated: Women's Liberation (1978): a sound filmstrip programme comprising 2 audio cassettes, 2 sound filmstrips and a booklet, This is stored in our Audio Visual Collection Box 1.


Identifier tj6s8pdh
IRN 477002
Class Mark FAN/DL
Level Collection
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/tj6s8pdh
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Creator(s) Leonard, Diane
Size and Medium 1 box and 2 folders
System of Arrangement Papers for BSA Women's Caucus conference on DL's work are filed with JH Collection.

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