

This subseries contains items on traditional dance, especially English folk dances. The subject matter includes bibliographies on folk dance; traditional English dances including Morris dancing, the Abbot's Bromley Horn Dance, a Crow Dance from Cheshire and the Helston Furry Dance; and papers by Roderyk Lange on Laban's theory of dance, and Polish folk dances.


Identifier jlr6nk5p
IRN 410787
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/14/3
Level Sub-series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record M: Folk Music, Dance and Drama
Date 1963-1979
Size and Medium 1 box [part] with 5 files of printed pamphlets, photocopied papers, mounted magazine and newspaper cuttings, magazine extracts and typed correspondence., 0.41 linear metres.
System of Arrangement Files contents retained as found, with papers arranged chronologically.

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